7 Ways to Build an Excellent Business Blog

When a potential customer is researching a business online, there are two things that they predominantly search for: a primary website and a Facebook page. However, a good website and a couple of social media accounts aren’t all a business needs in order to be successful. Businesses need to have blogs too.

While they may not appeal directly to potential customers, blogs are a great way to allow loyal customers to interact with your business on a regular basis and build up your site’s page rank through backlinking. Blogs can also help your business gain attention should any of the posts provided go viral or get re-posted on other popular blogs. However, owning a successful business blog doesn’t simply mean writing day in and day out. There are several important aspects every business blog needs to be successful:

Remain Relevant

If you own a business that sells discounted books, then don’t write about the latest and greatest style trends. Write about books – and all information pertaining to books from eReaders to Authors. Remaining relevant will keep your customers engaged and will help you create a niche for your blog.

Incorporate Media

A blog should never be only about the text. Page after page of text is incredibly boring and off-putting to readers. Don’t be afraid to break up posts by adding in relevant photos and videos. It will make your blog more interesting and will increase the likelihood of reposts.

Write for Your Audience

You know your customers, and you should write your blog accordingly. Don’t ever write above your audience or they will think you are too much of a big business jerk; however, don’t write beneath them either or they will think that you are being condescending. Both can be a huge turn off, and could keep your blog readership low.

Create Hype

When you are about to introduce a new product or service, get your blog buzzing about it. Create countdowns or post foggy pics indicating what your new product might be. Not only will it keep your customers engaged and interesting, but it will help your launch be more successful. You can also utilize companies like Reputation.com to manage how you and your company are portrayed to the online business community.

Show Behind the Scenes

Don’t be afraid to post pictures of the storefront business itself or of any employees that you have floating around the office that day. People love to see those that work behind-the-scenes as it makes the business feel more real, and it makes customers feel as though they are actually supporting you when they support your business.

Spread the Love

One of the best ways to create hype amongst customers and to get them further engaged in your blog is by occasionally dropping in some customer love. Post photos of customers with your products, or simply give a shout out to all those who have supported your business. Your readership will skyrocket, and your loyalist following will grow.


To create further interest in your blog, while also making your business look more personal, incorporate online interviews. Interviewing loyal customers about their favorite products or your employees about why they have chosen to work for you and why they love working for you is a great way to create a strong since of community amongst your readership. And the stronger the sense of community, the stronger your readership will be.

Blogging isn’t just for megalomaniacs looking to have their egos strokes. It’s for businesses too and can be an incredibly effective tool when used properly. Make sure that your business has a blog, and make sure that you are blogging appropriately to help you along on your journey to great online success.

Vijayraj Reddy
Vijayraj Reddy is founder & editor-in-chief of Startmysalary.com, a financial blog which helps people to earn money, invest money and save money. You can find him on Facebook & Twitter or send him email at [email protected]

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