5 Finance Tips for Young Entrepreneurs to Start up a Business

More and more young entrepreneurs are showing a keen interest towards starting up their own business rather than taking up jobs or working as employees. Most people have interesting business plans and are enthusiastic about getting started with their business plan but theyface problems in arranging the required finances for the establishment of the new business. Though finding finances to start a new business is a difficult task, it is not impossible. Below are a few helpful tips that will guide you in finding a source to finance your business plans.

1. Look out for group funding options:

This is one of the oldest methods that have been followed for decades where you can contact people that you trust and ask them to become a part of your business by investing into it. It is similar to a partnership where two people join to carry out a single business plan and generate revenue. The profits earned from the business are divided between the partners based upon the investments made by each of them and the work carried out.

2. Search for grants:

There are various grants provided by different government and non-government institution to business owners who have future scope for growth but lack in financing their business plans. Research for such grants and find out if you can apply for one, if you are successful in finding the grant then you are provided with the required amount to start up your venture without facing any problems.

3. Attract Venture capitalists:

There are numerous venture capitalists available on the markets who wantto invest their money into a promising business plan. If you have an interesting plan then you can present it to the venture capitalist, if they are satisfied with your plan and are interested in it then they will provide you with the required finances to start your business in exchange for some equity stake in your business.

4. Look for Angel investors:

Numerous investors such as Angel investors or business angels are present in the market and are ready to provide the required capital to people facing problems in arranging finances to start up a new business. They give the required finances in exchange for some equity share or in the form of convertible debts to the young entrepreneurs.

5. Secure loans:

Different financial institutions are available on the market to provide loans to people who require funds to start their own business. In order to get this loan you might need to present your business plan and also provide certain collateral against the loan. If you just require a small amount and for a short time span then you can apply for short-term loans such as Payday loans where there is no need to provide any collateral to secure the loan.

Author Bio: This guest post is written by Alicia who is a specialist in financial blogging from Manchester. Apart from blogging, she does research on payday loans. Reach her at @financeport

Vijayraj Reddy
Vijayraj Reddy is founder & editor-in-chief of Startmysalary.com, a financial blog which helps people to earn money, invest money and save money. You can find him on Facebook & Twitter or send him email at [email protected]

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5 Responses to “5 Finance Tips for Young Entrepreneurs to Start up a Business”

  1. sai krishna says:

    First of all before going to find funds, We should need perfect business plan I think. Otherwise without having proper plans we can;t go ahead in business.
    sai krishna recently posted..Official Announcement: Androidbent Is on New look now!My Profile

  2. PrIyAnGsHu says:

    Venture captical farms are a great way to get finance for new business owners or entrepreneurs. Thanks for this great post Vijay.

  3. Nishant Srivastava says:

    I think Do small investment from own and earn from that investment and after that go with other options.
    Nishant Srivastava recently posted..Why bloggers are Smarter than a normal Person?My Profile

  4. James Crollins says:

    I think it really just depends on your personal situation, advance loans can be really useful as long as you have the income to pay it back on time! Other wise steer clear!

  5. Dukeo says:

    I’m not sure these kind of investments would be a good fit for all young entrepreneurs. Especially those you are working on their first venture. When I first started working online, I knew it was going to be impossible to get a loan, so I saved money from my day job for months before investing in my own business. As a result, I own 100% equity in my company, I am debt-free and I put all the benefits in my own pocket :)
    Dukeo recently posted..Answer to All the Emails from ReadersMy Profile

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