Tips to Help your Business take Advantage of Social Media Websites

The below article has been provided by Todd McCullough - an independent blogger and finance researcher. He writes financial advice and money saving themed articles for financing and loan websites such as wongabusiness.

It’s a well known fact that the popularity of online social media is at an all time high. The trend has become so ingrained in our social culture and you can be sure it’s not going away any time soon, so why not utilise this platform to the advantage of your business? It’s a straight forward strategy: You can create an intriguing facebook page for your business to gather likes whilst also acquiring an army of followers on twitter. In the end what you have gained is a massive and continually expanding mailing list of potential customers to which you can send directly targeted ads and promotions straight to their monitor – for free. Of course successfully harnessing these websites to amass your following is a task easier said than done, but the following tips should get you on your way.


Offer something in exchange for facebook likes or twitter follows

People are unlikely to be interested in your brand, product or service if there is no apparent benefit to them for doing you the honour of showing public recognition and commitment to your business, so you have to get creative. Consider throwing random give-away prizes to your followers to keep their interest piqued. Jump start the momentum for your facebook or twitter page by offering a special gift or voucher code to the first thousand people who join up with you for example. You can expand on this by hosting competitions that involve your product and that require previous knowledge of the updates on your facebook page, this will encourage users to routinely check your business page to ensure they’re not missing out on opportunities.

Realise it’s not just young people on these sites

There was a time when the social networking scene was for the young adult demographic only, however with the modern evolution of facebook and the adoption of twitter by many celebrity figures the numbers are swiftly becoming more universal. It’s no longer uncommon to find entire families connected to the social media spectrum, even grandparents are getting on board as it’s been realised as an easy way to stay in contact with extended family and friends. Adjust your marketing and customer targeting appropriately to ensure you’re increasing your catchment area for the older audience – as these are the people will often have control of the household spending budget.

Use your new social media foundation to further diversify your web presence

Now that you’ve began the process of attracting people to your online facebook and twitter pages use this newly established contact method to point people in the direction of your company website, if you can encourage people to directly bookmark your site in their web browser then you have began the next step of establishing a lasting web presence that is not dependent on the social media feed, congratulations!

Vijayraj Reddy
Vijayraj Reddy is founder & editor-in-chief of, a financial blog which helps people to earn money, invest money and save money. You can find him on Facebook & Twitter or send him email at [email protected]

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