4 Ways to Get Rid Of Personal or Student Loans Quickly

Higher education is the dream of most of the student. But only a small section of them can afford to go for it without having to take an enormous amount of student loan. But for the not-so-lucky ones, the life after graduation is no less than a nightmare. With no financial stability in sight and the loans and their interests mounting higher by the day, the students are finding it hard to maintain their sanity.

However, there are ways in which the situation can be managed if the steps are taken in time. Once you realize that the bank loan repayments are getting the better of you, you have to take one or the other of following steps.


Graduating does not guarantee that you will get a high paying job. in that case, paying off the loans becomes a difficulty. If you go for an extension, then the amount you have to pay each month is reduced significantly and the time period increased. But at the end you might end up paying more than you would have under normal terms.


Under many circumstances, a student might not be able to pay the loan at all. In that case one can appeal for forbearance on the loan. Once the request is granted the borrower would not have to make any payments on the loan during a specified period of time.

Loan Consolidation

It is not uncommon for a student to take out multiple loans to fund their expenses during the graduation years. But the problem begins when they fail to make so many payments every month. In order to get rid of the problem the students can consolidate their loans so that they have to pay only one installment each month to cover all the loans. Also, you could get a rebate on the interest rate through debt consolidation.

Loan Forgiveness

If you join the public services and make 120 consecutive payments, then you can have the rest of your loan forgiven. For this one has to be in the service during the time when the payments are being made and also when the forgiveness is being granted. But this facility is given only to those who have a direct federal loan.

Federal student loans have a number of easy repayment options which are not available in the case of the private loans. Therefore, it is advised to consider very well before even thinking of taking a private student loan.

Vijayraj Reddy
Vijayraj Reddy is founder & editor-in-chief of Startmysalary.com, a financial blog which helps people to earn money, invest money and save money. You can find him on Facebook & Twitter or send him email at [email protected]

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2 Responses to “4 Ways to Get Rid Of Personal or Student Loans Quickly”

  1. mohit says:

    nice article dude…it will help me to get rid of my education loan…
    mohit recently posted..Ms office 2013My Profile

  2. PrIyAnGsHu says:

    Great post Vijay Raj. It will be helpful for every student to get loan for his or her education.

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