Small Loans can Ensure Home Repairs Only if you know How and Where to Seek it

Most people consider their home as their major investment and in case of repair, many a times only a loan for home repair can be able to provide the appropriate amount of money and would be appropriate in maintaining your home’s upkeep. There are numerous options available that finance your home repair which you need, fortunately.

Private Institutions for lending

If the roof shingles or leaks and needs replacement, you cannot end your emergency repair just because you realize that you cannot afford it. For example, fixing the roof is an emergency and you are unable to do it because you are short of financial resources. But if you are living on paychecks, it might not always be as simple as it seems. Roofing specialist in Northern Virginia are famous for offering cheap and reliable solution. Private lending associations and banks offer lines of credit on home equity. This repair loan can be usually found to be based on the equity of your home that you own. Credit unions and banks are fond of offering loans of this type at extremely reasonable interest rates. The amount which you wish to borrow depends on the institutions which lend. Some of the private lending associations allow a loan an amount till 70% of the home equity. The requirements for borrowing your repair loan are bound to vary across institutions. Your credit score determines your interest rates. There are some lenders who approve loans even for borrowers having lesser than stellar credit-scores. However, if the credit turns out not to be good enough, you might expect higher rates of interest.

Loans for Home Repair from Government

There are cases where the Federal Government might also end up lending you the loan for your repair. Well, for that you need to be their qualified borrowers and such loans at low interest are for people in the lower income group and whose homes need maintenance and repair. Although, the financing for repair which is offered by the Federal Government has a few strict guidelines that specify the types in which the repair can be done.

The Housing and Urban development department or what is simply known as HUD and the US Department of Agriculture offer loans which are administered by the local authorities for housing. Such loans are available at much lower rates of interest. Prospective buyers of houses might even want to apply for HUD Rehabilitation and Repair Home Loan, which would allow them the freedom of combining the purchase as well as repair or the renovation costs into a particular mortgage.

The eligibility for the 203(k) Rehabilitation Loan, the house has to be one year old at the least. The home repairs need to be total of $5,000 at the least. Under this type, repairs would include roof and flooring repairs, repainting, minor renovations, weatherization as well as making the home all the more efficient in terms of energy.

Thus your awareness could save your house and your family time to time from a lot of botherations.

Vijayraj Reddy
Vijayraj Reddy is founder & editor-in-chief of, a financial blog which helps people to earn money, invest money and save money. You can find him on Facebook & Twitter or send him email at [email protected]

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