New Year, New Job !!

Companies are always hiring, or are they? Due to various economic setbacks companies tend to take precaution in hiring at times. But that’s not the case always, and definitely not today.

Coming year we’ll be seeing various industries opening doors to new hires. Which is a good thing for all those who want to have job security but at the same time don’t want to settle down for something that is below their worth or experience.

In the following article we look into a few industries that are actively looking to hire new talent and give them the career push they’re looking for…

#1. Education

Teaching is a field that is always evergreen. However, the education industry has suffered its own setbacks where “teacher layoffs” have occurred in certain areas due to the State/Local budget problems.

The good news is, the upcoming year is expected to generate a “net job gain” of 65,000 in the education industry at public schools and 69,000 in specialist schools, colleges and universities. This just goes on to show that like any industry, the field of education is a good target if you’ve got the right skills.

#2. Restaurants

Talking about the restaurant industry, there is a boost in the job opportunities available, especially after the recession where over 360,000 jobs were lost due to the dining budget being hit. Today, since the economy has gradually recovered and is climbing upwards, people are starting to eat out like never before.

What does this mean to you? More job opportunities in almost all restaurant categories - right from fine dining to fast food. What’s more, if you look around you’ll find that some of the biggest restaurants are hiring talent left, right and center.

#3: Car Dealerships

If there’s one industry that has picked up really well after the financial crisis then it has to be the car dealerships. The gloom that was surrounding your local showroom has finally faded away and has given way to rising car sales - which is exactly why there are more jobs available today.

This is not only limited to new cars, but also used cars. Which have proven to be highly profitable since more and more buyers are wanting to invest into buying “older car models” and save money. This means you can narrow down your search in this industry and work with companies that offer automotive pricing and information to customers. For example, a lot of job aspirants these days are interested in Truecar Inc jobs and employment opportunities since the company is reputable in the industry.

It doesn’t really matter what type of long term goals you set for yourself - as long as you’re having a good career start, you’ll go places. The above industries that we discussed are definitely going to grow with time, so make sure you give them your serious consideration.

Vijayraj Reddy
Vijayraj Reddy is founder & editor-in-chief of, a financial blog which helps people to earn money, invest money and save money. You can find him on Facebook & Twitter or send him email at [email protected]

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