Beaver Local Teachers to Get a Pay Raise | News, Sports, Jobs

CALCUTTA — Teachers in the Beaver Local School District will see their salaries increase over the next three years.
The school board this month approved a new three-year contract for the Beaver Local Education Association (BLEA).
“In short, we believe this was a real win-win deal,” said district treasurer Stacy Williams. “We’ve been able to give quality raises, which are bigger than what the district has generally been able to give.”
The tentative agreement is valid from September 1, 2022 to August 31, 2025 and includes increases of 3% in the first two years and 2.5% in the third year.
BLEA members received raises of 3%, 1% and 2% on their current contract which expires on August 31.
Previously, raises had not been given regularly, and BLEA members took pay freezes during the toughest years.
Williams said the new three-year contract also includes an increase in the hourly rate, to reflect changes in today’s labor market.
She said hourly rates have not been increased in the district since 2006.
The new rates now range from $18 to $25 for tutoring and summer school pay. Allowances and longevity allowances have also been increased.
She also said the after-school base was raised to $2,000, the first time for an increase since 2008.
The district was also able to “substantial changes” language in the contract and also establish a labor management committee, which will meet three times a year and increase communication between staff and administration, Williams said.
Also approved at this month’s board meeting:
— A contract with the Columbiana County Educational Services Center to provide services for the 2022-23 school year.
— A contract with OME-RESA ITC for the provision of cooperative services for the 2023 financial year.
— A contract with the City Hospital Association to provide athletic training services and/or an approved physiotherapy service for the 2022-23 school year.
— A memorandum of understanding between Youngstown State University and the district’s College Credit Plus program.
— The purchase of NutKase iPad cases for a total of $38,384.
– Sara Kaufmann as a high school social studies teacher and Logan Barna as a high school English teacher.
– The retirement of Karen Siebert and Richard Siebert as bus drivers, both effective August 1.
– Timothy Reaggle as summer helper.
— Cancellation of Dominick Lisk’s pre-approval for summer employment.
— Additional contracts for Nick Miller, boys’ basketball head coach; Dave Goodman, varsity men’s basketball assistant coach; John Miller, junior varsity men’s basketball coach; Ryan Smith, freshman men’s basketball coach; Jared Leyden, eighth grade boys basketball coach, and Mark Cashdollar, seventh grade boys basketball coach.
— Additional contracts for Tony Sorge, women’s basketball head coach; Bob Theiss, assistant coach of the women’s basketball team; Brad Starkey, junior varsity women’s basketball coach; Ben Wright eighth-grade girls’ basketball coach; Seventh-grade women’s basketball coach Wynton Rayford.
— Additional contracts for Jim Savina, bowling, Maria Parfitt, swimming, and Hannah Cochran, women’s soccer assistant coach.
– Cody Reese as a male basketball volunteer.
— A transfer of $400,000 from the general fund to the permanent improvement fund, which Williams says represents about 10% of the planned carryover.